Tijdelijke begraafplaatsen voor (Canadese) militairen in Nederland en Duitsland. Locaties bij benadering. Dit betreft militairen die zijn begraven op de Canadese Begraafplaats Holten.
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I have been informed that you are writing bio’s on the soldiers buried in Holten Cemetery .
My Aunt Margaret’s son was killed May 4 ,1945 and is buried in Holten . Cpl. Donald Morrison
(F/2828 ) of the 17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars was 25 and married to Agnes “Nan” Fyffe Swinton of Glasgow Scotland .( I believe her nephew has been in contact with you ).
I was wondering if you had anything written about him . We may be able to supply some info about him before his military service .
When I attended the Remembrance Service at Holten last year I visited the Museum and noted a mistake in some info they had about him. Sorry but I don’t remember what that was .
If I can be of some assistance please let me know .
Wishing you the best in your endeavours .
The bio of Cpl Donald Morisson has not been written yet (for this website). My colleagues at the Information Centre Canadian War Cemetery in Holten are glad to receive any information (photo’s, letters, military files, personal stories) about the heroes who are buried in Holten.
Cpl. Donald Morrison’s bio has been published here: http://wp.janbraakman.nl/?p=895
Ben nog steeds op zoek naar gegevens over Canadese militairen die in Raalte gesneuveld zouden zijn. Heeft er veel van weg dat ze hier tijdelijk begraven zijn maar elders gesneuveld. Elk brokje informatie is welkom…
Sgt R.N ADAM 14-04-45 The Royal Winnipeg Rifles Holten:V-B-4
Rfn G. LAMIRANDE 14-04-45 The Royal Winnipeg Rifles Holten:V-B-6
Pte A. SEREDIAK 14-04-45 The Canadian Scottish Regt. Holten:V-B-5
Prot. Cem. Raalte MR:001210
Karl Lusink
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